Gao Xuguang, Chairman of the Weihai Municipal Political Consultative Conference and Party Secretary of the City Visits W
Author: Release Time:2024/02/28 17:18:22

On February 28th, Gao Xuguang, Chairman and of the Weihai Municipal Political Consultative Conference and Party Secretary of the city, led a delegation to visit Weiqiao Pioneering Group. Leaders of the group including Zhang Bo, Zhang Hongxia, and Zhang Yanhong held discussions and exchanges with leaders from Weihai City and Huancui District.

Gao Xuguang extended congratulations on behalf of the Weihai Municipal Committee and Government for the group's record-breaking sales revenue in 2023, and highly praised the positive role played by the group's industrial projects in promoting the economic and social development of Weihai City. He stated that Weihai City will continue to optimize the business environment, provide good services for project development, and work hand in hand with enterprises for mutual benefit.

Zhang Bo warmly welcomed Gao Xuguang and his delegation and briefly introduced the group's development philosophy and future plans. He stated that the group will uphold the core values of "entrepreneurship for the nation, benefiting the people" and, while developing industrial projects, will fully promote local livelihoods and public welfare, fulfill corporate social responsibilities in the new era, and continue to promote win-win development between the enterprise and the local community.