Guests from CITIC Group Visited Weiqiao
Author: Release Time:2024/06/28 00:00:00

Appointed by the Ministry of Finance, Yue Xuekun, the Non-executive Director of China CITIC Group Corporation, along with other guests from CITIC Group, visited Weiqiao Pioneering Group on June 28th.

The Chairman of the group, Zhang Bo, held a discussion meeting with the visitors from CITIC Group and provided a detailed introduction to the company's historical development, current production and operations, and future development plans.

Yue Xuekun and other guests from CITIC Group expressed their hope that both parties would continue to deepen comprehensive strategic cooperation to promote stronger and better corporate development, create greater economic and social benefits, and make a greater contribution to achieving Chinese-style modernization.

Before the discussion, the guests from CITIC Group visited the production sites of the group's textile, aluminum and electricity sectors, as well as the Zhang Shiping Memorial Hall.